Dr. Oksana Sawiak
Dr. Sawiak and team provide an outstanding and exemplary Service!
What is a Full Wellness Consultation?
Modern medicine tends to treat the human body as if it is a machine made up of different parts. Instead of recognizing the human body as a Unified System, it treats each part as separate and often does not consider the consequences that treatment may have on other “parts”. That is how a patient ends up on 5-10-18 different medications. Often half of them are to counteract the side-effects of the first half.
Are you searching for a way out of the quagmire of symptoms that no one seems to address and find a cure for?
In a “wellness model” world, each INDIVIDUAL needs their own health detective who can find the cause of the headache, or fatigue, or pain, or dysfunction and have the treatment customized for only that cause. No one pill fits all.
If your health problems cannot be cut (surgery), poisoned (drugs, chemo, radiation), or talked away (psychotherapy), perhaps you need to come over to the Wellness model and find a cure by eliminating the CAUSE FOR YOUR SYMPTOMS.
What Happens in a Full Wellness Consultation?
Our 2 1/2-hour consultation is where we do in-depth “health detective work” which consists of:
- A full 4- page history that includes aspects of your health such as: dental, medical, social, surgical, family, occupational, environmental, emotional and nutritional
- Analysis of Posture, Skin, Nails, Eyes, Tongue
- Iodine test to evaluate Thyroid health
- pH to assess acidity in the body
- Microscopic Plaque Analysis
- Live Blood Cell Analysis
- Heavy metal testing to determine toxic factors affecting immunity
- Kinesiological testing to identify hidden factors and infections
Head and Neck Overview Consultation
Dr. Sawik offers a head and neck overview consultation to help diagnose and issues and to help assess your health.
This is followed by a full report which gives you:
Suggestions for additional tests to further clarify issues.
- An explanation of what various aspects of this history means to your health.
- Suggested home therapies,
- Nutritional suggestions
- Therapies provided by Sawiak Integrative Wellness Institute
- Referrals to appropriate professionals related to your issues.
- The fee for the full consultation is $395 including the Report.
- Most clients find this to be of immeasurable value in guiding them on their path to wellness and understanding the causes that led them to their problem.
- Suggestions for additional tests to further clarify issues
An explanation of what various aspects of this history means to your health.
Suggested home therapies,
Nutritional suggestions
Therapies provided by Sawiak Integrative Wellness Institute
Referrals to appropriate professionals related to your issues.
The fee for the full consultation is $395 including the Report.
Most clients find this to be of immeasurable value in guiding them on their path to wellness and understanding the causes that led them to their problem.
What is a Full Wellness Consultation?
Dr. Sawiak has established a network of health providers and a host of therapies, services and products to offer you. Books. Google, seminars and word of mouth. There’s a wealth of information out there about natural health, but the sheer amount of it can be paralyzing.
What do you accept? What do you reject? It’s easy to get lost in a maze of information. Because of this, you need an expert who can assist you in navigating that maze. Someone who can listen to you, help you set sensible priorities, guide you through decisions and refer to other practitioners you can trust.
Dr. Sawiak has over 50 years of health and dental experience – most of them in the biologic/holistic aspects of health. A Doctor of Integrative Medicine, she is also trained extensively in all the areas of health from acupuncture to nutrition, microbiology to toxicology.
What do you want your wellness to look like in one year? Create your health objectives in natural ways.
Begin your journey to vibrant health and longevity.
What Happens in a Full Wellness Consultation?
Our 2 1/2-hour consultation is where we do in-depth “health detective work” which consists of:
- A full 4- page history that includes aspects of your health such as: dental, medical, social, surgical, family, occupational, environmental, emotional and nutritional
- Analysis of Posture, Skin, Nails, Eyes, Tongue
- Iodine test to evaluate Thyroid health
- pH to assess acidity in the body
- Microscopic Plaque Analysis
- Live Blood Cell Analysis
- Heavy metal testing to determine toxic factors affecting immunity
- Kinesiological testing to identify hidden factors and infections
This is followed by a full report which gives you:
Suggestions for additional tests to further clarify issues.
- An explanation of what various aspects of this history means to your health.
- Suggested home therapies,
- Nutritional suggestions
- Therapies provided by Sawiak Integrative Wellness Institute
- Referrals to appropriate professionals related to your issues.
- The fee for the full consultation is $395 including the Report.
- Most clients find this to be of immeasurable value in guiding them on their path to wellness and understanding the causes that led them to their problem.
- Suggestions for additional tests to further clarify issues
An explanation of what various aspects of this history means to your health.
Suggested home therapies,
Nutritional suggestions
Therapies provided by Sawiak Integrative Wellness Institute
Referrals to appropriate professionals related to your issues.
The fee for the full consultation is $395 including the Report.
Most clients find this to be of immeasurable value in guiding them on their path to wellness and understanding the causes that led them to their problem.
Dr. Sawik offers a head and neck overview consultation to help diagnose and issues and to help assess your health.
Heavy Metal Detoxification
Learn about safe and correct methods to rid your body from metallic toxins and why the ORDER OF DETOXIFICATION PROCEDURES IS ALL IMPORTANT
- Mercury from our “silver” dental fillings or from our mother if she had a lot of amalgam fillings
- Aluminum, mercury, glyphosates from vaccines, braces, commercial crops like wheat, antiperspirants, cookware.
- Lead, Arsenic, from our environment and water
- Working in an environment like a dental office that billows mercury vapour in the air.
The more we accumulate, the greater the challenge to our immune system, the more chronic ills we will have. Parasites are attracted to heavy metals. Chronic fatigue, Brain Fog, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Anxiety Attacks, Skin Rashes, are some of the symptoms of heavy metal poisoning
Getting rid of them is important. But doing it right and in the right order is all -important. Otherwise you could go from the frying pan into the fire.
For example, a client was chelated by his Naturopath (that is an IV detox method) while still having a mouth full of amalgam (mercury) fillings. Within 2 weeks he lost his ability to walk due to ALS because the mercury from his fillings was pulled into the body by the procedure!
Platinum Energy System of Detoxification
Platimun Energy System is an Effective tool in detoxing the body.
At the basis of all chronic illness be it Lupus, Lyme, Cancer, Asthma or Arthritis are toxins, infections and inflammation. The Platimun Energy System of Detoxification comes in the form of a foot bath that is energized by an array, and draws toxins out of the feet at acupuncture points.
This detoxifies the body of metals and toxins and helps the body alkalinize. It has been shown that 35 of these foot baths is as effective as 7 years of medical Intra Venous Chelation. Much less costly and invasive!
Platimun Energy System is an Effective tool in detoxing the body. Dr. Klinghardt’s research has shown that 35 P.E.S. sessions are as effective as 7 years of I.V. chelation therapy in removing heavy metals from the body ( and much less invasive and costly).
Uncovering Hidden Infections
Hidden infections can cause a multitude of problems. Find out how to get them diagnosed.
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Most chronic health problems stem from infections.
- Cavitations (hidden bone infections remaining after trauma, some types of surgery, or pharmaceutical use.
- Trauma
- Surgical sites
- Arthritic Joints
- Polluted intestines
- Wounds that did not heal well
Identifying these is sometimes daunting to the practitioner not aware of these factors. Once eliminated, the chronic illness can be cured, not just managed with drugs.
Microscopic Imaging for Infections
Heal your infections effectively and naturally and prevent them from spreading to the rest of the body.
Does it not make more sense to identify the infection (with a microscopic analysis) and eliminate the infections with natural process?
Dr. Sawiak teaches practitioners how to use the microscope in their practice and thus protect their patients from infections spreading into the rest of the body.
If you wish to heal effectively and naturally, call and request a microscopic analysis in our office or a referral to an office close to you that is trained in this modality.
Live Blood Cell Microscopy
Do you suffer from fatigue, or brain fog? Are you often bloated? Is your immunity low?
When you know the cause, it is much easier to address your symptoms than throwing drugs or supplements at them blindly.
A live blood cell analysis is part of our Wellness Consultation, or if you wish to come in just for that, you are very welcome.
Dealing with Chronic Illnesses
Diagnose and treat chronic illnesses so that you can get you back to vibrant health.
You can live with the diagnosis, or you can think OUT OF THE BOX and peel away the layers that have accumulated to cause the illness.
Dr. Sawiak received the nickname “health detective” from her clients. Her innovative, non-invasive therapies can help get you back to vibrant health!
Cancer Prevention and Support
Make cancer treatment easier, more effective and with fewer side effects.
Once the dreaded diagnosis is delivered, there are many things you can do to make treatment easier, more effective and with fewer side effects with modalities such as immunity boosting supplements like Rife, Ozone, Seqex, Saunas and PES Foot baths. Surgery, Chemo and Radiation are not the only methods that eradicate cancer.
For conventional medicine, they are the only tools they have available. Consider exploring other modalities to support or replace these.
We can help you with information about these.
Safe Eradication of Virus, bacteria, parasite and fungus
Ebola? H1N1? Herpes? Zika? Flu? Common Cold? MRSA? TB? Cellulitis? Ear infections?
Bacteria can cause everything from ingrown toe nail infection to sinus problems, to heart issues. Antibiotics are no longer killing all the bugs like they used to.
MRSA infections in hospitals are spreading. But Ozone, Vitamin C and Rife Technology can eradicate them safely with no side effects.
You don’t even have to replenish your gut bacteria with probiotics after these treatments. They just work.
Call us if you have questions.
To Book A Consultation Call (647) 393-5035
Telephone, Skype and E-Consultation AvailableNon-Invasive Therapies and Devices at Sawiak Integrative Wellness Institute
Some of the best proven alternative therapies that you can safely rely on.
- Medical Grade Oxygen Ozone
- Ozone Sauna with EMF safe Far Infra Red heat, Steam, PEMF, Ozone, Colour therapy and Rife frequencies
- Rife – an instrument that heals with frequency of light and sound
- Seqex mat- a Pulsed Electro – Magnetic Frequency technology that heals at the cellular level
- Polychromatic Lights – increase circulation, make cell walls more amenable to healing and detoxing
- Platinum Energy System Detox Foot Bath
- Low Level Laser for healing and eliminating inflammation.
- T-Zone vibration machine for muscles, lymphatic drainage and weight loss.
Diagnostic devices:
- Phase Contrast Microscope for Live Blood cell analysis and identification of pathogens
Pain Control, Eradication of Inflammation
What is causing your pain? Is it inflamed joints? Migraines? Tight muscles? Recent injury? Digestive problems?
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Finding the cause of the pain is the best way to eradicate it. If longer therapies are needed to address the cause, there are modalities we use to help you along the way.
For instance: One of our clients came in with very sore feet. She could hardly walk. After ONE Ion Cleanse Foot Bath she had NO PAIN for a whole week. This is without even addressing the whole issue.
For Diabetic Neuropathy we have polychromatic light therapy, Voxx Life Technology in Socks and Insoles.
For Painful Digestive issues our Holistic Nutritionist can work with you to get you all better.
Recent injuries heal faster and respond really well to Ozone and Seqex technology. – within minutes in some cases.
Poly-chromatic Light Therapy
Unlike painkillers, light therapy doesn’t just relieve pain – it significantly improves overall wellness.
- Neck pain
- Back Pain
- Leg pain
- Shoulder pain
- Knee pain
- Ankle problems
- Arthritis
- Inflammation and swelling
- Bone spurs
- Bone fractures
- Bruises
- Burns
- Carpal tunnel
- Tennis elbow
- Healing wounds
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Tight muscles
- Anti-Aging
- Hair rejuvenation
- Concussions
Low-level light therapy is called “low-level” because it’s non-invasive, painless and cool to the touch. Cells beneath the skin absorb the light energy, similar to the way plants absorb sunlight from the atmosphere. This activates the body’s natural healing response.
Heavy metal testing and AO vitals testing
Heavy Metals Testing
Heavy metals testing and Ao vitals testing.
Therapies using Light and Sound Frequencies
Proven to eradicate cancer, kill infections and promote healing of cells.
Royal Rife’s theory that everything has its own frequency and that you could affect germs, cancer cells etc., by using frequency of light and sound is the science behind this technology. Not only is it safe, but very effective.
A grateful Rife user says: “I have had pneumonia 17 times. Doctors had run out of choices because I had become allergic to all the “effective” antibiotics. Then I tried Rife treatment in combination with Vitamin C therapy. In 2 days my pneumonia and all symptoms WERE GONE!”
– OMS Toronto
Types of Detox Treatments
Once Dr. Sawiak has determined the right course of treatment, she may use one or more of these widely accepted procedures to help rid your body of toxins.
Ozone FIR Sauna Therapy detoxifies toxins through the skin so that the organs are not stressed. This is useful when the liver is not yet healthy enough to do the detox process well.
Platinum Energy Systems Ion Cleanse Foot Bath removes toxins via the points in the sole of the foot where acupuncture meridians begin. This has been proven by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt to be very effective in mercury and heavy metal detoxification. Dietary Suggestions and Supplements that are appropriate to your issues
Chi Machine and T-Zone to stimulate lymphatic drainage for more effective detox.
Foot Patches you can use at night for further detox. Effective also for children.
Seqex Mat – Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Frequencies that aid the body ‘s detox efforts by improving microcirculation and improving cell wall integrity.
Rife – a machine that emits frequencies of light and sound. This helps kill parasites, Viruses, Bacteria, and Fungus which are often the cause of illness from Pneumonia to Lyme disease.
Parasite Protocols to clear us of common parasites that can cause digestive problems, gum problems, or even skin problems.
Natural Wellness Products
We carry wellness products that are difficult to find in health food stores and online.
Shungite stones and buttons for protection from EMF radiation.
Voxx Life Neurology balancing technology in insoles and socks.
Effective and safe Oral Hygiene Products.
Detox Foot patches.
Parasite Cleanse (Hulda Clark Herbal). Cardio4Life powder for Heart and Circulation health.
Citricare for candida and fungus control.
Essential Oils.
Tinctures for immune support and detox.
A natural skin cream that can be used for everything to do with the skin.
Organic Unpasteurized honey from bees raised with no chemicals or antibiotics.
Services of a Registered Holistic Nutritionist
Develop a nutritional plan to help you support your health-restoring therapies.
- Develop a nutritional plan to help you support your health-restoring therapies and reduce toxicity in your body. It may be to improve your digestion, or heal leaky gut, or improve your hair and nails, or just sleep better.
- Suggest supplements for specific issues to hasten your healing.
- Provide you with meal plans and recipes that allow you to follow the nutritional prescription.
- Help you source the needed foods and supplements.
Dr. Sawiak Recommends
Low Level Laser Low level laser is used to reduce pain, inflammation and improve wound healing. If you get a Cold Sore or Shingles and want to get rid of it PRONTO This is your go to modality!
Rife Rife technology is a mainstay in our office. It uses frequency of light and sound to affect the frequencies of cells, invaders, pathogens etc in our bodies. It is Non-Invasive, Powerful, and Effective.
Did you find what you were looking for?
If not please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Where we are
Sawiak Integrative Wellness Institute
232 Guelph St. Lower Level Unit 6
Georgetown Ontario
Canada L7G 4B1
(Corner of Guelph and Mountainview)
Located in the Service Canada building, (free parking in back)